Gemini Fabricated Metal Sign Letters

Gemini Fabricated Metal Sign Letters

When you use words like "Upscale," "Elegant," and "High End" to describe the type of letters you are looking for or ask about high end fabricated metal sign letters, Gemini Sign Letters can help. Our Stainless Steel Fabricated Sign Letters are premium letters that have been expertly crafted to meet your exacting specifications. With lead-free silver solder and sharp 90° angle edges, our Fabricated Metal Letters offer the ultimate in beauty and production standards.

Gemini Fabricated Metal Sign LettersWhere to Use Fabricated Metal Sign Letters:


Why Buy Gemini Fabricated Metal Sign Letters?

The Material:

Letters are made with standard stainless steel alloy #304, which offers excellent corrosion resistance and effectively combats tarnishing under most circumstances. In addition, We offer titanium-coated stainless steel for the ultimate "gold" letter finish available. This material is comprised of #304 stainless coated with a thin layer of tinted titanium. Due to the fabrication process, the edge of all faces on letters and logos have thin lines of exposed #304 stainless that will be buffed smooth on polished letters, or stroked on satin letters to maintain consistency in appearance.

For custom quotes please email: or call 1-800-270-3343.

Gemini Signs is an Authorized Reseller for Gemini Incorporated. If you are a sign company, please call them directly.


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